High Elemental
- Rarity : Rare
- Role : Attack
- Element : Fire
- Mana Cost : 3
Burning Spiral
Attacks the forefront enemy to inflict powerful damage that ignores Defense and grants Unrecoverable.
Basic Stats
ATQ 179
DEF 100
HP 1217
ACC 0%
RES 15%
Skill Stones

Increases the Unrecoverable duration of Burning Spiral by 6 sec.

Increases the damage of Burning spiral by 20%.

Grants CRIT Rate UP II on all allies if Burning Spiral lands as a Critical Hit.
Kahli Runes in Lost Centuria
+ Add Rune Set

Kahli, la mitraillette
- Rune Set to use :
Prioritized Sub-stats :
Skill Stones :
- Position in comp : 7
By Hakio on the 05/25/2021
Kahli, the machine gun, very useful in Chapter 10 but can also prove powerful in PvP combat. With Konamiya and the Giant Warrior spell, Kahli will deal great damage to your enemies. Be careful because she lacks HP though. Accuracy isn't very useful here because the goal is to one-shot and not get the anti-heal activated.

Lava spike
- Rune Set to use :
Prioritized Sub-stats :
Skill Stones :
- Position in comp : 7
By Dtoks on the 06/07/2021
This set's goal is to empower Kahli with the highest crit rate possible to activate her passive skill (purple gem) in order to OS a target and bring a crit rate buff to the entire team (Lushen, Lapis, Prilea, Tesarion or any other AOE DPS would benefit from it greatly).
Comps with Kahli in Lost Centuria
1. Artamiel
2. Poseidon
3. Bernard
4. Konamiya
5. Khmun
6. Fynn
7. Kahli
8. Sophia
General Info
This comp allows you to go through Lost Centuria's Chapter 10 quite easily. Runes: Energy for the frontlane and for Khmun. Fatal for Kahli, Fynn and Sophia. You can replace Artamiel and Poseidon by other tanks.
x 3
x 0
x 2
x 1
x 2
x 3 in Attack
x 1 in Defense
x 1 in HP
x 3 in Support
x 3
x 2
x 1
x 2
Average mana cost: 3

General Info
This comp allows you to go through Lost Centuria's Chapter 10 quite easily. Runes: Energy for the frontlane and for Khmun. Fatal for Kahli, Fynn and Sophia. You can replace Artamiel and Poseidon by other tanks.
1. Konamiya
2. Colleen
3. Shannon
4. Ragdoll
5. Khmun
6. Elucia
7. Kahli
8. Lapis
General Info
Comp played by the #1 player in season 2 and #2 in season 1. This deck is really strong if you own Konamiya's heroic skill stone. The goal will be to make Konamiya last as long as possible while dealing damage with your back lane. Kona is really strong in this position to counter AoE comps because it will remove harmful effects and heal your allies upon dying. You should also loop between Shannon and Colleen to keep the ATK III boost active.
x 3
x 1
x 3
x 0
x 1
x 3 in Attack
x 0 in Defense
x 0 in HP
x 5 in Support
x 4
x 2
x 1
x 1
Average mana cost: 3

General Info
Comp played by the #1 player in season 2 and #2 in season 1. This deck is really strong if you own Konamiya's heroic skill stone. The goal will be to make Konamiya last as long as possible while dealing damage with your back lane. Kona is really strong in this position to counter AoE comps because it will remove harmful effects and heal your allies upon dying. You should also loop between Shannon and Colleen to keep the ATK III boost active.
1. Ramagos
2. Bernard
3. Megan
4. Woosa
5. Soha
6. Prilea
7. Kahli
8. Lapis
General Info
The build is focused on the Lapis + Prilea combo that works really well. Kahli is there to deal good single target DPS when needed. We also have a very good Speed + ATQ buff with Megan and Bernard along with Soha and Woosa for the DEF buffs. Regarding spells: the shield will counter another Lapis at the end or serve to avoid DOTs. Obviously, having a few good skillstones can really enhance the build.
x 4
x 0
x 1
x 0
x 3
x 3 in Attack
x 0 in Defense
x 2 in HP
x 3 in Support
x 2
x 2
x 3
x 1
Average mana cost: 3.5

General Info
The build is focused on the Lapis + Prilea combo that works really well. Kahli is there to deal good single target DPS when needed. We also have a very good Speed + ATQ buff with Megan and Bernard along with Soha and Woosa for the DEF buffs. Regarding spells: the shield will counter another Lapis at the end or serve to avoid DOTs. Obviously, having a few good skillstones can really enhance the build.