Deck details and tips
1. Konamiya
2. Colleen
3. Shannon
4. Ragdoll
5. Khmun
6. Elucia
7. Kahli
8. Lapis
General Info
Comp played by the #1 player in season 2 and #2 in season 1. This deck is really strong if you own Konamiya's heroic skill stone. The goal will be to make Konamiya last as long as possible while dealing damage with your back lane. Kona is really strong in this position to counter AoE comps because it will remove harmful effects and heal your allies upon dying. You should also loop between Shannon and Colleen to keep the ATK III boost active.
x 3
x 1
x 3
x 0
x 1
x 3 in Attack
x 0 in Defense
x 0 in HP
x 5 in Support
x 4
x 2
x 1
x 1
Average mana cost: 3
General Info
Comp played by the #1 player in season 2 and #2 in season 1. This deck is really strong if you own Konamiya's heroic skill stone. The goal will be to make Konamiya last as long as possible while dealing damage with your back lane. Kona is really strong in this position to counter AoE comps because it will remove harmful effects and heal your allies upon dying. You should also loop between Shannon and Colleen to keep the ATK III boost active.
Dragon's Fury
Attacks the last enemy who used a skill, and grants Dragon's Gaze. When the Dragon's Gaze target uses a skill, the target inflicts damage to the line that the target is in.