- Rarity : Rare
- Role : Attack
- Element : Fire
- Mana Cost : 4
Flaming Thunder
Attacks all enemies and grants 2 Continuous Damage effects on each for 6 sec.
Basic Stats
ATQ 127
DEF 99
HP 2020
ACC 0%
RES 15%
Skill Stones

Increases Baretta's Accuracy by 20%.

Grants Glancing Hit UP I additionally on the enemies when using Flaming Thunder.

Increases the Continuous Damage duration of Flaming Thunder by 3.
Baretta Runes in Lost Centuria
+ Add Rune Set

Visez bien
- Rune Set to use :
Prioritized Sub-stats :
Skill Stones :
Harmful Effect
- Position in comp : 5
By Coalt on the 06/14/2021
The only smart way to rune Baretta is Focus, you just need him to hit the DOT, ATK won't make any additional damage.

Baretta Early Game
- Rune Set to use :
Prioritized Sub-stats :
Skill Stones :
Heat Stroke
- Position in comp : 7
By Scaru on the 05/25/2021
A rune set based on the very early game, oriented towards pure damage, HP and Accuracy. Here, we are aiming at efficiency with high DPS and chances of applying continuous damage with Accuracy! The 3 skill stones are viable, but my preference goes to Heat Stroke and Harmful Effect. The stone offering Accuracy isn't necessary in early game and Accuracy sub-stats will get the job done well enough for you.
Comps with Baretta in Lost Centuria
1. Kuhn
2. Mav
3. Khmun
4. Megan
5. Elucia
6. Fynn
7. Baretta
8. Thrain
General Info
Focusing Thrain in this comp as well as his Doomsday spell with 100% chance to stun hit targets if they have a DOT active. We will play it always after Baretta or the Spoil spell. The Transfer and Soul Cleanse spells are here to counter enemy Transfer and get rid of potential debuffs. Apart from that, no special mechanics. Elucia is our single-target healer, Fynn our single-target DPS leaving him with a DOT too, Khmun our off-tank with general healing, Megan our DPS buffing monster and Mav and Kuhn our high tanks!
x 4
x 1
x 2
x 0
x 1
x 3 in Attack
x 1 in Defense
x 1 in HP
x 3 in Support
x 2
x 1
x 5
x 0
Average mana cost: 3.5

General Info
Focusing Thrain in this comp as well as his Doomsday spell with 100% chance to stun hit targets if they have a DOT active. We will play it always after Baretta or the Spoil spell. The Transfer and Soul Cleanse spells are here to counter enemy Transfer and get rid of potential debuffs. Apart from that, no special mechanics. Elucia is our single-target healer, Fynn our single-target DPS leaving him with a DOT too, Khmun our off-tank with general healing, Megan our DPS buffing monster and Mav and Kuhn our high tanks!
1. Rakan
2. Bernard
3. Eleanor
4. Perna
5. Soha
6. Ragdoll
7. Baretta
8. Seara
General Info
Soha is here to help you against buff team by allowing you to one shot back line carries with Ragdoll, also have a Seara in to remove all enemy buffs and pop the Baretta and Perna damage before a possible dispel.
x 1
x 1
x 3
x 1
x 2
x 3 in Attack
x 0 in Defense
x 2 in HP
x 3 in Support
x 1
x 1
x 1
x 5
Average mana cost: 4.125

General Info
Soha is here to help you against buff team by allowing you to one shot back line carries with Ragdoll, also have a Seara in to remove all enemy buffs and pop the Baretta and Perna damage before a possible dispel.
1. Eleanor
2. Kuhn
3. Rakan
4. Ramagos
5. Jeanne
6. Seara
7. Baretta
8. Nicki
General Info
Easy farming despite high costs but a frontlane that we won't use so it balances out the costs.
x 1
x 1
x 2
x 2
x 2
x 2 in Attack
x 1 in Defense
x 4 in HP
x 1 in Support
x 0
x 1
x 3
x 4
Average mana cost: 4.125