Slow but powerful comp - Average Player


This deck of Lost Centuria has been created by Đeltã on 07/08/2021.

Deck details and tips

  • 1. Kuhn

    icon Water
  • 2. Racuni

    icon Fire
  • 3. Woosa

    icon Water
  • 4. Jean

    icon Fire
  • 5. Khmun

    icon Fire
  • 6. Perna

    icon Fire
  • 7. Fynn

    icon Water
  • 8. Megan

    icon Water

General Info

Hi, here is a comp that works well in early game. In the frontline, Kuhn will get the aggro first and tank while Khmun will be the second one targeted. Khmun will thus get the opportunity to deal massive damage and OS enemies. On the other hand, Perna will deal AoE damage and Racuni will decrease the mana recovery speed for a bit. Fynn will concentrate on landing attacks causing medium damage with a relatively low mana cost. Mega will grant damage II and ATK speed I. Woose will heal your team while protecting it with a shield. Finally, Jean will deal excellent damages and be able to OS enemies. Regarding spells, you should use: Purification to get rid of all harmful effects and heal fully, Blood Curtain to grant a shield to your monsters, and Weakness Found to decrease the enemy team’s DEF and ATK by 3.


  • icon water

    x 4

  • icon dark

    x 0

  • icon fire

    x 4

  • icon Light

    x 0

  • icon Wind

    x 0


  • icon attack

    x 3 in Attack

  • icon defense

    x 1 in Defense

  • icon HP

    x 1 in HP

  • icon Support

    x 3 in Support


  • x 2

  • x 2

  • x 2

  • x 2


Average mana cost: 3.875

mana average

General Info

Hi, here is a comp that works well in early game. In the frontline, Kuhn will get the aggro first and tank while Khmun will be the second one targeted. Khmun will thus get the opportunity to deal massive damage and OS enemies. On the other hand, Perna will deal AoE damage and Racuni will decrease the mana recovery speed for a bit. Fynn will concentrate on landing attacks causing medium damage with a relatively low mana cost. Mega will grant damage II and ATK speed I. Woose will heal your team while protecting it with a shield. Finally, Jean will deal excellent damages and be able to OS enemies. Regarding spells, you should use: Purification to get rid of all harmful effects and heal fully, Blood Curtain to grant a shield to your monsters, and Weakness Found to decrease the enemy team’s DEF and ATK by 3.

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