

This deck of Lost Centuria has been created by superextinction on 06/25/2021.

Deck details and tips

  • 1. Kuhn

    icon Water
  • 2. Bernard

    icon Wind
  • 3. Megan

    icon Water
  • 4. Nicki

    icon Dark
  • 5. Elucia

    icon Water
  • 6. Khmun

    icon Fire
  • 7. Sophia

    icon Wind
  • 8. Ragdoll

    icon Dark

General Info

Sophia to get the tanks down quickly. Ragdoll is there to either OS the backline or place his Dragon's Gaze. Khmun is there to anti-heal and Elucia to heal, although you can replace her by Mikene as long as you own her green or purple stone. Megan is there to boost Sophia and Ragdoll's damage while improving the team speed like Bernard. For those two, swift runes should work. To conclude, Nicki is there to end lives in the backline if your Ragdoll didn't get rid of the enemy monsters there yet. Kuhn can by replaced by any monster that would be your best tank. Just be awar that this deck has a hard time getting the upper hand against a human form Eleanor that simply cancels Dragon Gaze, Nicki's damage and the proc of the Apocalypse mark. Tip: Use the Apocalypse mark when Nicki's effects activate and if the monster with the lowest HP is from the backline.


  • icon water

    x 3

  • icon dark

    x 2

  • icon fire

    x 1

  • icon Light

    x 0

  • icon Wind

    x 2


  • icon attack

    x 3 in Attack

  • icon defense

    x 1 in Defense

  • icon HP

    x 0 in HP

  • icon Support

    x 4 in Support


  • x 2

  • x 2

  • x 2

  • x 2


Average mana cost: 3.625

mana average

General Info

Sophia to get the tanks down quickly. Ragdoll is there to either OS the backline or place his Dragon's Gaze. Khmun is there to anti-heal and Elucia to heal, although you can replace her by Mikene as long as you own her green or purple stone. Megan is there to boost Sophia and Ragdoll's damage while improving the team speed like Bernard. For those two, swift runes should work. To conclude, Nicki is there to end lives in the backline if your Ragdoll didn't get rid of the enemy monsters there yet. Kuhn can by replaced by any monster that would be your best tank. Just be awar that this deck has a hard time getting the upper hand against a human form Eleanor that simply cancels Dragon Gaze, Nicki's damage and the proc of the Apocalypse mark. Tip: Use the Apocalypse mark when Nicki's effects activate and if the monster with the lowest HP is from the backline.

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