Default/Strong Against AoE/DOTs
This deck of Lost Centuria has been created by Imavan on 06/16/2021.
Deck details and tips
1. Eleanor
2. Bernard
3. Khmun
4. Mav
5. Jeanne
6. Kahli
7. Fynn
8. Colleen
General Info
My default team. Typically stronger against teams that go more for AoE or DoT damage. Regardless usually high level of success mainly depending on luck of draws and timing.
x 1
x 0
x 3
x 2
x 2
x 2 in Attack
x 0 in Defense
x 3 in HP
x 3 in Support
x 3
x 2
x 2
x 1
Average mana cost: 3
General Info
My default team. Typically stronger against teams that go more for AoE or DoT damage. Regardless usually high level of success mainly depending on luck of draws and timing.
Dragon's Fury
Attacks the last enemy who used a skill, and grants Dragon's Gaze. When the Dragon's Gaze target uses a skill, the target inflicts damage to the line that the target is in.